Switching Agents To Rogers & Partners

Is your agent letting you down? Feel like you need a change?

Sometimes things just don't work out with your chosen agent. There may be a number of reasons why but if you want to change or remove your letting agent there are things you should know

You may be in a contract

Somewhere along the line you have probably signed a contract with your letting agent. This will not only stipulate what they do and what they charge but it will almost certainly contain a cancellation clause. Before you start the process of removing or changing agents, you should find whatever you have signed and give it a read through.However, just because there is a cancellation clause in the contract,it doesn't necessarily mean it is enforceable. sometimes more onerous clauses would be difficult for the agent to enforce but you should ALWAYS check before you go any further. We will always give advice on this to help guide you through.

Cancelling whilst retaining your tenant could be costly

This is where you will find the most onerous charges. Getting away from your agent when the property is void is far easier than when it's tenanted and so you may find that preferable. Usually there will be some facility in the management contract allowing the agent to recover lost commissions from you in the event that you cancel with a tenant in situ, so beware!

The agent has breached the management contract

If there has been a direct breach of the management contract or even a breakdown of trust, it is wise to outline that to the agent when giving them written notice of your intention to cancel your contract with them. It may help for them to know that there is no way back and that you intend to leave them regardless.

If you need to move away from your letting agent and would like advice on how best to do this, please get in touch. We may be able to provide you with a template letter and smooth the process for you. In any event we would be happy to provide you with free, no-obligation advice